2 Precious Souls Accepted the Lord at Evangelistic Dinner in Taiping with Bro Jimmy Ong

“Let God Trust God Love God” (LTL God)
It’s the only way out when we are giving up on life itself. This was the life changing testimony given by Bro. Jimmy Ong vividly when he was declared a bankrupt, divorced by his wife, lost Shaun his 10 year old son to brain tumor and was on the verge of ending his life. In desperation but with the desire to keep his promises to his son but not knowing how – Jimmy surrendered himself and everything to Jesus Christ as God as a last resort, put his trust in God and to love God. God miraculously turned his life around with the blessings of a new family with 2 sons and life purpose as an iconic speaker and trainer. Jimmy’s heart touching narrative in Taiping on 4/11/2023 evoked responses from several persons who wanted prayer and 2 souls surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Indeed, ‘LTL God’ is our security in living in the perilous time we are in now.