Click to watch message from FGBMFI Malaysia National President
Dear FGB Brothers,
You can have a perfect 20/20 vision in the natural world yet be blind in the spiritual world. Many fall prey to Satan’s schemes. But when you turn to God in prayer, he can open your eyes and give you and I a strategy for victory for this 2025 New Year.
The idea of perfect vision in a spiritual sense aligns well with the story in 2 Kings 6: 16-18, where Elisha reassures his servant not to fear when they do not know what to do after they woke up and discovered that they were surrounded by hostile armies. Elisha said “For there are more on our side than on theirs!” Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire. As the Aramean army advanced towards him, Elisha prayed, “O Lord, please make them blind.” So the Lord struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked’ (2 Kings 6:15-18 NLT).
Are you helpless or burdened to run Alpha in your chapters? Are you afraid that you can’t achieve the impossible DCDM (double chapter double member) goal and cannot see the end? Are you feeling anxious? Doubting the outcome? Or, just too overwhelmed by routine? The Bible says, ‘The Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world’ (1 John 4:4 NLT). Get alone with God and pray, ‘Lord, open my eyes.’ And wait. When he does it, you will discover that the forces of Heaven are on your side, and the resources of Heaven are available to you. How do you access them? By Faith! – Trusting that God is greater than any visible threat.
This multiplication will reflect a vibrant spiritual harvest, doubling chapters and members will impact our communities and businesses worldwide, and bringing glory to God. Be merchants of hope with focussed prayer for revival this year and bring the gospel to those who are “blind” that by the grace of God they may “see”!
Wishing all our Chinese brothers a Blessed Chinese New Year!
Peter Desmond Wee
National President
This book is a compilation of the awesome testimonies of seven ordinary FGB men who shared their journey with our extraordinary God.
The price of the book is RM10 (excluding postage and handling). You can order or buy them in our FGB HQ at Suite 3A12, Level 3A, Block A, Kelana Square, No 17, Jalan SS7/26, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Telephone or WhatsApp @ 016-3397185.
Postage and handling charges will depend on the quantity and location.
The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship (FGBMF) is one of the earliest marketplace ministries in Malaysia. It traces its origin to 1978 when a small band of committed Christian professionals and businessmen were touched by the Holy Spirit and began to believe that they could transform the world. They then started The Abundant Life Centre (ALC) lunch meetings in Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, to minister to the marketplace. Eager to link with other like-minded Christians, they attended an evangelistic banquet in Singapore and were then introduced to the FGBMFI ministry.
You are always welcome with us.
Come and visit us at our chapters!
全备福音男士团契(FGBMFI) 是马来西亚最早的商业市场事工之一。其起源可以追溯到1978年,当时一小群忠诚的基督教专业人士和商人受到圣灵的感动,并开始相信他们能够改变世界。随后,他们在吉隆坡安邦路成立了丰盛生命中心 (ALC) 午餐聚会,以侍奉职场人士。渴望与其他志同道合的基督徒联结,他们参加了新加坡的一个福音晚宴,并因此结识了全福会男工团契的事工。
欢迎您到我们的分会来参观 !
Hope Is Where the Heart Is
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International Malaysia wants to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities, our team works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.
We are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing this issue. Fundraising is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.
With our ministry mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Volunteer Opportunities is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.
One Ministry in Six Regions
We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.
The Word of God teaches us to be generous and be a good steward of our talent, time, and treasure. God bless us to be a blessing to others.
We give not out of compulsion or fear but a desire to see the gospel prosper in our day. Partner with us today.
Suite 3A12, 3A Floor, Block A, Kelana Square
No. 17 Jalan SS7/26,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor D.E., Malaysia.
+603 7805 7185