Winter winds and frosts, lack of sun and vitamins have a ruthless effect on our skin. So it's time to take care of her additional nutrition and wellness treatments: cleansing masks, ointments and whitening mixtures!
Let's do the cleaning
Any skin healing procedure should begin with pre-cleansing the skin from the layer of dead cells.
- Wash your face with warm water and mild soap, lightly steam your face over a pot of boiling water, you can make a compress with a hot towel (when the towel starts to cool, dip it back into hot water, wring it out and cover your face).
- Blot your face with a paper napkin.
- Take a handful of frozen raspberries, mash them with a wooden spoon and mix a glass of sour cream with 1 tablespoon of table salt and gently rub the resulting mixture into the skin in a circular motion for 5-7 minutes.
- Wash your face with cool water.
Restorative treatments for normal skin
- Wash with water at room temperature, no later than 2 hours before going outside
- Hard water should be softened by boiling or add baking soda (a teaspoon per liter of water) or milk (a glass per liter of water).
- Three times a week in the evenings we make nutritious masks from bran (almond or wheat). Pour 4 tablespoons of bran with a glass of warm water or milk, insist for 5 minutes and apply a thick layer on the skin after washing. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- On weekends, after a bath, apply a mask of foamed egg white to the skin, hold until completely dry, then rinse with a soft, damp sponge. Finally, rinse your face with cool water.
Restorative treatments for dry skin
Dry skin is very sensitive to all kinds of irritations, so it requires special care.
- 15 minutes before washing, apply fatty kefir or a softening mixture of egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of sour cream to the skin.
- We use a cold infusion of herbs for rinsing after washing: mint, rosehip, chamomile (pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for 20 minutes and filter).
- Twice a week, after washing, we will pat the skin with a warm towel and gently rub heated olive oil into it in circular movements. After 5 minutes, gently blot the excess with a paper napkin.
- In the evenings, we rub a nourishing cream into the skin and leave it until it is completely absorbed. Mix a glass of cream or fresh sour cream with 2 yolks and whisk, pouring in a thin trickle of a glass of vodka and the juice of 1 lemon (the resulting mixture ("cream") is stored in the refrigerator). After an hour, rinse your face with warm water.
Restorative treatments for oily skin
Oily skin is characterized by large pores, especially in the nasal area.
- To clean the pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, wash your face with hot water and soap, then rinse your face with cold water with vinegar or citric acid for a couple of minutes (1 teaspoon of vinegar or citric acid per 1 liter of water).
- Every other day before going to bed, we make poultices or compresses of herbs. We mix dried herbs by tea: sage, horsetail, lime blossom, chamomile, mint. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour in a thermos, strain. Wet a linen napkin with hot infusion, apply it on your face and hold it until it cools down. Real free porn movies online porn USA, UK, AU, Europe.
Let's do the cleaning
Any skin healing procedure should begin with pre-cleansing the skin from the layer of dead cells.
- Wash your face with warm water and mild soap, lightly steam your face over a pot of boiling water, you can make a compress with a hot towel (when the towel starts to cool, dip it back into hot water, wring it out and cover your face).
- Blot your face with a paper napkin.
- Take a handful of frozen raspberries, mash them with a wooden spoon and mix a glass of sour cream with 1 tablespoon of table salt and gently rub the resulting mixture into the skin in a circular motion for 5-7 minutes.
- Wash your face with cool water.
Restorative treatments for normal skin
- Wash with water at room temperature, no later than 2 hours before going outside
- Hard water should be softened by boiling or add baking soda (a teaspoon per liter of water) or milk (a glass per liter of water).
- Three times a week in the evenings we make nutritious masks from bran (almond or wheat). Pour 4 tablespoons of bran with a glass of warm water or milk, insist for 5 minutes and apply a thick layer on the skin after washing. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- On weekends, after a bath, apply a mask of foamed egg white to the skin, hold until completely dry, then rinse with a soft, damp sponge. Finally, rinse your face with cool water.
Restorative treatments for dry skin
Dry skin is very sensitive to all kinds of irritations, so it requires special care.
- 15 minutes before washing, apply fatty kefir or a softening mixture of egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of sour cream to the skin.
- We use a cold infusion of herbs for rinsing after washing: mint, rosehip, chamomile (pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for 20 minutes and filter).
- Twice a week, after washing, we will pat the skin with a warm towel and gently rub heated olive oil into it in circular movements. After 5 minutes, gently blot the excess with a paper napkin.
- In the evenings, we rub a nourishing cream into the skin and leave it until it is completely absorbed. Mix a glass of cream or fresh sour cream with 2 yolks and whisk, pouring in a thin trickle of a glass of vodka and the juice of 1 lemon (the resulting mixture ("cream") is stored in the refrigerator). After an hour, rinse your face with warm water.
Restorative treatments for oily skin
Oily skin is characterized by large pores, especially in the nasal area.
- To clean the pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, wash your face with hot water and soap, then rinse your face with cold water with vinegar or citric acid for a couple of minutes (1 teaspoon of vinegar or citric acid per 1 liter of water).
- Every other day before going to bed, we make poultices or compresses of herbs. We mix dried herbs by tea: sage, horsetail, lime blossom, chamomile, mint. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour in a thermos, strain. Wet a linen napkin with hot infusion, apply it on your face and hold it until it cools down. Real free porn movies online porn USA, UK, AU, Europe.